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When is a Discount Actually a Discount? Using Data to Uncover the Hidden Costs of Outside Counsel (Bodhala)

  • 22 Sep 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Eastern Time | Members & Friends automatically receive calendar invite and login/dial-in for this webinar.

Your law firms might claim that you're getting a great discount, but can they prove it?

Discounts and AFAs might seem like a tempting offer -- after all, who doesn't want to save money?! But the reality is that they don't always serve your legal department's best interests. Regardless of the longevity of your relationships, your law firms are still businesses so when it comes to their own bottom lines, they will inevitably act in their own best interests.

Overlooking the seemingly small details -- especially on your rate cards -- can end up costing your legal department some serious cash! But with data on your side, you can combat the sly pricing tricks that are unnecessarily racking up your spend.

Join us for an eye-opening discussion as we uncover the hidden costs of outside counsel and how your team can leverage data to ensure a fair market price.

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