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In this Pricing Master Class, we look at pricing from both the client's as well as the provider's view. Access the slides, recordings, and reading materials for each module:

      • Module 1 - Procurement Strategy and Scope of Work – collaboration strategy between Procurement and Legal; better forecasting multi-year demand for legal services including complex work; balancing competence, coverage and cost objectives, and moving past relationship-based sourcing of legal services to strategic collaboration with law firms
      • Module 2 - RFPs, Invitations for Strategic Partnering and Evaluating Proposals – approaching the market for the third time in 10 years; effective Q&As for sourcing; selection criteria; reducing the number of firms yet again nationally and globally; streamlining the sourcing process
      • Module 3 - Non-Hourly Fee Arrangements and Negotiations to Arrive at a Fair Price – multi-year work allocation to firms; abandoning hourly-based fee arrangements; fees for performance and innovation; two-step negotiations; ensuring that legal departments and law firms invest in innovation to climb out of the hourly rut
      • Module 4 - Why ROIs and LPMs Matter; Managing the Transitions; and Innovation – why records of instruction and legal project management are pre-requisites for AFAs; linking fees to innovation to improve results and service and to reduce costs; how best to drive change once the negotiations are over

Module 1: Procurement Strategy and Scope of Work

Slides for Module 1 Download

Reading Materials:

Planning for the RFP Storm: Part 1Part 2 and Part 3

Four Questions in Legal Sourcing

From Vendor to Strategic Partner

Managing the Legal Supply Chain

Module 1 recording:

Module 2: RFPs, Invitations for Strategic Partnering and Evaluating Proposals

Slides for Module 2 Download

Reading Materials:

Legal Spend Management – Insight and Muffins

Influencing the Demand for Legal Services

Poor Leverage Means Poor Service

Module 2 recording:

Module 3: Non-Hourly Fee Arrangements and Negotiations to Arrive at a Fair Price

Slides for Module 3 Download

Reading Materials:

Fixed Fees: Here Be Dragons 

The Perfect Pricing Storm: Artificial Intelligence and Hourly Billing 

Retainers: A Squandered Revenue and BD Opportunity

Fixed Fees and Performance

Negotiating with Law Firms

Performance Plans for Firms

Productivity Improvement AFA

Module 3 recording:

Module 4: Why ROIs and LPMs Matter; Managing the Transitions; and Innovation

Slides for Module 4 Download

Reading Materials:

Budgeting Complex Legal Work

Changing Law Firms

The Evolution of KPIs

Module 4 recording: